Wednesday 12 August 2009

Surprise! Exercise doesn't = thin

I know it's shocking isn't it? For an article that reiterates the obvious and sends us round in the same circles, this is well worth reading-thanks zaftig chicks- because it tells us the truth for once. It could all be summed up thus; we are all born with instincts to move, developed as part of us, before we are even born.

The more those remain free flowing and potent, the more likely this is to show we've been relatively  unimpeded by that which which would tend to reduce or derail them. Things that are also liable to stress us and our health.

We are designed to meet our energy and nutrient requirements pretty accurately, inside us. If those remain free flowing and relate to our needs and desires, it is more likely that they've been subject to stresses and pressures that will tend to unbalance them and our health.

I suppose I'm one of those who believes that the whole health living=health tends to just turn that on its head. It's typical of that kind of mindset, I'm not saying it never works that if you imitate a healthy person that it can't stick and reverse negative health effects.

But we can tell from how difficult people tend to find it that it often doesn't and those advocating that, can't be bothered with that and often become enraged, like their sense of entitlement has been thwarted.

Our bodies are whole, I've no idea why we expect titanic emotions combined with crises and other highly charged should leave us intact. Don't get me wrong, most of the time they do, the body is incredibly resilient, but it has its limits and we are unpredictable in the effects things have on us.

There's something a bit old fashioned about this article, as if certain things have not reached the peak of intensity that they have. It contains some real gems, the author describes his regimen of exercise thus;
'a personal trainer will work me like a farm animal for an hour, sometimes to the point that I am dizzy - an abuse for which I pay as much as I spend on groceries in a week.' 'push myself up in various hateful ways for an hour' 'the extra half-mile my grueling expiation of any gastronomical indulgences during the week. ' 'I have exercised like this - obsessively, a bit grimly - for years'
And you thought that fat hate was specifically about you as a fat person? It may be directed at you, but this is it's fuel. The unpleasantness of this imposition of movement on yourself, not for its own sake, but because its "good for you".

All of this unpleasantness of course comes at a price. It seems that it not only stimulates your hunger, as creating an energy deficit tends to, it also can lead you compensate by doing less during the rest of the day. There's a lot of disagreement about that, whether exercise reduces or increases your appetite.

It undoubtedly can do both, but until someone finds out what's going on in either case, its good to be aware of the likelihood that you will compensate. People tend to either remain the same weight, or go down a bit and plateau.

A lot of people "reward" themselves with calorie dense grub afterwards due to the kind of dip in  mood the author described above. Calories in calories out indeed. It seems it means if you lower the calories in, you'll automatically lower the calories out.

This is the big bust of calorie manipulation, compensation, or the body seeking to re-balance itself, which diet/ exercise advocates cope with by having hissy fits.

Same critiques they especially like to beat fat people over the head with, because your actual experiences and those replicated by many others don't count unless its what they want.

He doesn't do the recommended (this week) amount of the right kind of exercise-60-90 minutes most days of the week, the aerobic kind only. That is the non answer for everything, you're doing in wrong-unless you get the 'right' results of course.

Failing to understand if the patient cannot take the medicine, that counts as not working. Impotent.

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